

The Abstract of Dr. Małgorzata Sęk's Lecture

Tax aspects of the sharing economy
2018. október 02.

Sharing economy includes supply models, whereby digital online platforms enable individuals to “share” their spare assets with other individuals, i.e. to supply goods and services. The suppliers are generally not otherwise registered as business entities, mostly acting as part time suppliers only.The sharing economy is constantly growing, not only creating new, heretofore unknown supply and demand, but also overtaking supplies previously carried out in the traditional (“brick and mortar”) economy, thus creating competition for the traditional suppliers and reducing tax revenue collected from traditional suppliers. The emergence and growth of the sharing economy rises numerous serious tax issues. The aim of the presentation is to discuss main problems regarding the taxation of the sharing economy, in the area of income taxation, consumption taxation and other specific taxes, e.g. tourist / city taxes. Taxation of both the suppliers and the digital platforms is debated. Classification issues are highlighted. The potential of new, technology assisted, reporting and collection models for both income and consumption taxation is briefly discussed.

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