2025. március 11., kedd

Choosing a research topic


Applicants: choosing a research topic


1) The condition for the application is that the applicant has a suitable research topic in the field of law and political sciences, which is previously accepted by the Doctoral School and for which it can provide a supervisor.


2) The research topics must be agreed in advance, because the Doctoral School's statement of approval on the agreed research topic must be attached to the application.


3) There are two ways to have a research topic accepted.


a) The applicant chooses one of the research topics offered by the supervisors of the Doctoral School and contacts the supervisor offering the topic and agrees with him/her to supervise the applicant during the doctoral training. The applicant needs a written statement of approval from the future supervisor and shall attach this statement to the application for admission.


The research topics actually offered by the supervisors of the Doctoral School can be found at (external website):



If you have difficulty in contacting the supervisor the Doctoral School can help.


b) It may happen that none of the offered research topics meets the applicant's interests. In this case the applicant offers himself/herself a research topic independently of the research topics offered by the Doctoral School (but within the field of law and political sciences). The applicant shall contact the Executive Secretary of the Doctoral School to ensure the acceptance of his/her research topic. Contact details of the Executive Secretary: zsfejes@irsi.u-szeged.hu


If the Doctoral School is able to accept the research topic offered by the applicant, the Executive Secretary will send a statement of approval to the applicant. The statement of approval must be attached to the application for admission. If a suitable research topic is not agreed, the application will be rejected by the Doctoral School.

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