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Overview PhD training programme

The goal of the PhD training


The goal of the doctoral training is to provide support to the doctoral students who have successfully completed their graduate higher education and earned a Master's degree or equivalent diploma to obtain the PhD degree. By completing various courses ("training and research phase of the training"), the student acquires the skills (e.g. methodology) required for the preparation of a PhD dissertation. The research work carried out under the supervision of the supervisor forms the basis of the writing of the PhD dissertation ("research and dissertation phase").


The language of the PhD training


The language of training and the PhD degree procedure is English. Based on a special permission, the doctoral student can prepare and defend his/her dissertation in German or French.


Duration of the PhD training


The usual duration of the training is 8 semesters, but it can also be completed in 6 semesters. In the case of students participating in individual doctoral training, the duration of the training is 4 semesters, but the training can also be completed in 2 semesters.


Forms of the PhD training


-- Full-time PhD studies


This is the standard form of doctoral training, which requires permanent presence in Szeged, especially during the first four semesters of the training. In the first four semesters we offer weekly regular (methodological and specific professional) courses held by excellent professors and practitioners. Students can use the university's research and teaching infrastructure (e.g. university library, research databases, etc.) and regularly consult with their supervisor.


Tuition fee: 3500 EUR/semester; registration fee: 100 EUR


-- Part-time PhD studies


Foreign students who do not want to have such a long stay in Szeged, however still want to finish the dissertation with the leading of a supervisor from Szeged, shall choose the possibility of part-time PhD studies. This form of training does not require permanent presence in Szeged. Part-time students can be relieved from certain academic obligations (e.g. attending classes). However, in terms of the required material academic achievements the part-time doctoral training programme is identical to the full-time training (e.g. the doctoral students must obtain the same number of credits as in the full-time training).


In this case the PhD student may keep contact with the supervisor via electronic devices. However, one short visit to Szeged per semester is still necessary in order to consult with the supervisor, and complete the courses (in the first four semesters). However, the required scientific achievements shall be certified (see table of source of credits).


Tuition fee: 2800 EUR/semester; registration fee: 100 EUR


-- Individual Training Programme


Graduate professionals with a solid academic background and achievements have the opportunity to apply directly to the second phase of the doctoral program (research-dissertation phase, semesters 5-8). The Doctoral School evaluates their previous academic performance in the light of the credit requirements and decides on their admission. These students can start the training by passing the complex exam. See the detailed description of individual training.


Tuition fee: 2800 EUR/semester; registration fee: 200 EUR (including the fee of the comprehensive exam at the beginning of the training).


The doctoral training and the defense of the PhD dissertation


From a professional and methodological point of view, the doctoral training lays the foundation for and supports the preparation of the PhD dissertation. The PhD student receives a certificate ("absolutorium") for completing the training. Obtaining the final certificate is a condition for obtaining the PhD degree. The goal is for the doctoral student to prepare and submit his/her dissertation already during his doctoral training. It is optimal if the student is ready to defend the completed PhD dissertation in a public debate immediately after obtaining the absolutorium (after completing the training).


General characteristics of the doctoral training


  • there are two main parts of the doctoral training: organized training based on courses (semesters 1-4; training and research phase) and research activity, including writing the dissertation (semesters 1-8; research and dissertation phase);
  • the training is credit-based: a certain number (240) of course, research and other credits must be obtained in order to successfully complete the studies (obtain the "absolutorium");
  • the student must pass the complex exam, which is held at the end of the fourth semester and also means the entrance to the second major phase of the training;
  • the student is supported and advised by his/her supervisor throughout his studies;
  • the student can apply for the admission to the doctoral training in a specific research topic, which either has been offered in advance by the Doctoral School or has been selected individually by the applicant and subsequently accepted by the Council of the Doctoral School;
  • the student's research work during doctoral studies is concentrated around his research topic, and the student conducts his/her research in one of the six doctoral research programs of the Doctoral School;
  • the training relies heavily on the student's independent creative research work, scientific activity, on which he is obliged to report regularly, and the results of which he/she is obliged to publish regularly (typically publications, conference presentations).
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