2025. február 25., kedd

How to apply for admission to the PhD training programme?

How to apply for admission to the PhD training programme?


(In the case of applicants who receive a scholarship from the Hungarian State - e.g. Stipendium Hungaricum -, the deadlines and procedures may be different, depending on the provisions of the scholarship regulations.)


The application deadline for the training is May 15, yearly.


The application for the training shall be done online.


The University of Szeged has a central online application platform for the admissions to the various PhD trainings. The applicants can find technical information about the application procedure at the following link:



To apply the applicant will need to attach the following documents:

  • MA level diploma or equivalent (can be submitted subsequently until July 15);
  • CV;
  • the statement of acceptance issued by the doctoral school relating to the applicant's research topic, with the name of the supervisor assigned to the topic;
  • proof of English language proficiency;
  • brief description of the research plan (in English, max. 10 thousand characters in length);
  • two recommendations from persons with a scientific degree, stamped and signed;
  • exact bibliographical data of the applicant's publications, if any;
  • other relevant documents, if any (e.g. professional awards, certificate on membership of professional organization).


The condition for the application is that the applicant has a suitable research topic in the field of law and political sciences, which is accepted by the Doctoral School and for which it can provide a supervisor. The research topics must be agreed in advance, because the doctoral school's acceptance statement on the agreed research topic must be attached to the application.


Timeline of the admission procedure


the applicant will consult with the doctoral school (or the future supervisor) on the prior approval of a doctoral research topic

in April

application deadline

May 15

the applicant will be notified of the date and time of the admission interview

1-2 weeks before the interview, in June

the admission committee hears the applicant (online)

in the second half of June

the applicant must attach the MA degree

July 15

the Doctoral Council of Social Sciences decides on the admission

in the middle of July

the applicant will be notified of the outcome of the admission procedure

at the end of July

the doctoral training begins

in the middle of September


If you have any questions, please contact us: doktori.iskola@juris.u-szeged.hu


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