The University of Szeged Faculty of Law and Political Sciences launched its „Legal Clinic” programme in 2005, inspired by the international success and acknowledgment of such initiatives, and their potential in the higher education. The primary purpose of our Legal Clinic was always providing legal aid for marginalized and underrepresented persons and groups. In addition to this, we maintained connection with local NGOs and civil organizations and their members. Our tutor teachers (lawyers-educators) offered their services to help for students and stakeholders as well.
In the curriculum of the law major at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, the Legal Clinic is an optional course, which opens the possibility for university students to join to the work of the Clinic. The sessions are led by an experienced teacher, in small groups, which promotes the lawyering skills of the students. Moreover, the main topics of these sessions are: discussing and analyzing cases (mostly regarding discrimination), actual contact-making with real clients, in order to show the need of open-minded approach by students and lawyers and reveal the challenges of a lawyer’s real life.