April 12, 2017
Venue: Faculty lounge (Kari Társalgó), 3rd Floor, Faculty of Law, University of Szeged
6720 Szeged, Tisza Lajos Krt. 54.
International conference organized by the Private International Law Department and HAS-Szeged Federal Markets “Momentum” Research Group
The Private International Law Department and HAS-Szeged Federal Markets “Momentum” Research Group (Prof. Csongor István Nagy and Zoltán Víg) has organised a one day international conference „Missed and new opportunities in world trade: is Trump China’s trump in world trade?” at the Faculty of Law of the University of Szeged on April 12, 2017. The keynote speech with the title „Geopolitics and world trade: globalization or fragmentation?” was given by Prof. János Martonyi, former minister of foreign affairs of Hungary and professor emeritus of the University of Szeged. Beside the organizers, who were talking about new generation free trade agreements and China’s future prospects, international scholars had lectures on current issues of international trade and inestment law at the venue. Prof. Stefan Messmann from the Central European University had a presentation on his experience as international lawyer in China. Dr. Lukasz Gruszczynski, who is associate professor at the PAS Institute of Law Studies, and visiting fellow at the HAS CSS Institute for Legal Studies, and Pázmány Péter Catholic University, was talking about the relation between WTO and RTAs dispute settlement mechanisms. Dr. Timothy Webster, assistant professor from Case Western Reserve University had a speech on China’s trade and investment agreements. Mr. Sanford U. Mba, doctoral student from the Central European University was talking about Chinese inestments in Africa and their protection under various bilateral investment treaties.
Photos from the conference: