


INDUSAC – Pályázati felhívás

INDUSAC – Pályázati felhívás

2024. december 12.
2 perc

Invitation to participate in an exciting new project aimed at strengthening the collaboration between industry and academia.

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The Quick Challenge-Driven, Human-Centred Co-Creation Mechanism for INDUStry-Academia Collaborations (INDUSAC) is a HORIZON EUROPE project that aims to develop and validate an Industry-Academia Collaboration mechanism.

Within the project, we will facilitate a simple, user-friendly co-creation process that allows the development of solutions that clearly address the needs and interests of companies, students, and researchers in the EU, with special attention to widening countries and associated countries.

Students and researchers will create international teams of at least 3 members that will solve companies’ challenges within 4-8 weeks. INDUSAC has a budget of 900.000 EUR intended for student members of co-creation teams, where mini-grants of 3.000 EUR will be distributed among student members of each team. By solving companies’ challenges, students will get international working experiences, collaborative experiences by working with students and researchers from different countries, and transversal and entrepreneurial skills (communication, negotiation, results orientation, responsibility, creativity, planning skills, and analytical thinking, among others) access to companies across the EU, references, and a certificate of participation from INDUSAC. By participating in co-creation teams, researchers will gain companies’ and students’ contacts, letters of recommendation from industry partners, and a certificate of participation from INDUSAC.

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