


Symposium on European Criminal Justice

Symposium on European Criminal Justice

2019. szeptember 19.
3 perc
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Rectorial Building, V. room (Dugonics square 13.)

8  October 2019


Welcome and Opening

Prof. Dr. Márta Görög, dean & Prof. Dr. Krisztina Karsai, Jean Monnet Chair


First Panel (09:15-11:00)

Chair: Prof. Dr. Krisztina Karsai

09:15 Mutual Trust and Mutual Distrust in EU Criminal Justice

Prof. Dr. Dominik Brodowski (University of Saarland)

09:45 Mutual Trust and French Law

Barbara Drevet (University of Bordeaux)

10:15 Procedural Rights and the (De)construction of Trust

Prof. Dr. Jannemieke Ouwerkerk, Dr. Pinar Ölcer (University of Leiden)


Coffee Break

Second Panel (11:30-13:00)

Chair: Prof. Dr. Krisztina Karsai (University of Szeged)

Roundtable Discussion on Teaching of European Criminal Law

Book Presentation – Studybook for Issues in European Criminal Law & Criminal Policy


Lunch Break


Third Panel (14:00-16:00)

Chair: Prof. Dr. Dominik Brodowski

14:00 Challenges in MLA - Does Mutual Trust Exist?

Dr. Andrea Törő (General Public Prosecutor’s Office)

14:30 Litispendentia and Res Judicata in the European Legal Scenario. New Perspectives for Italian Criminal Justice in Light of European Case-law

Prof. Dr. Stefano Ruggeri (University of Messina)

15:00 Brexit and the Future of Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters with UK

Balázs Garamvölgyi (General Public Prosecutor’s Office)

15:30 Mutual Recognition and Mutual Trust – Legal v. Political Concepts

Dr. János Bóka (State Secretary, Ministry of Justice)

9 October 2019

Fourth Panel (09:00-11:00)

Chair: Prof. Dr. Stefano Ruggeri

09:00 Are They Still Judges? -The "Double Life" of the Criminal Justice System in Poland in the Time of the Constitutional Crisis

Prof. Dr. Wlodzimierz Wróbel (Jagiellonian University)

09:30 European Supervision Order: Implementation and Practice in Hungary

Tamás Matusik (Investigative Judge Department, Central District Court Buda)

10:00 The Impact of EU on Romanian Criminal Law. Are the New Provisions in Accordance with EU Law?

Dr. Cristian Mihes (University of Oradea)

10:30 The Electronic Monitoring in the Perspective of the European Cooperation in Criminal Matters

Jasmine Hussein (University of Szeged)


Coffee Break


Fifth Panel (11:30-13:00)

Chair: Prof. Dr. Jannemieke Ouwerkerk

11:30 Mutual Trust and the Rule of Law: Proposal for a Freezing Mechanism

Dr. Petra Bárd (Eötvös Loránd University)

12:00 Harmonisation of the Financial Criminal Law in the EU – Truth from Utopia?

Dr. Judit Jacsó (University of Miskolc)

12:30 Rethinking the Principle of Procedural Legality ahead of Opening a New Chapter in European Criminal Law

András Lichtenstein (University of Szeged)



Lunch Break




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