

MASTER IN EUROPEAN INTEGRATION at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law

MASTER IN EUROPEAN INTEGRATION at the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law

2018. március 26.
4 perc
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We would like to inform You that the University of Belgrade Faculty of Law is announcing the enrollment for the eleventh generation of the master students in the Masteìs Academic Program - MASTER IN EUROPEAN INTEGRATION, Academic year 2017/2018.

This master program has been granted with the National academic accreditation and can enroll up to 60 students each academic year for one year lasting MEI-60ECTS, and up to 10 students for two years lasting MEI120 ECT S. The official language of the program is English. The program is also open to foreign students, and we had already enrolled students from more than 25 countries.

The eligibility requirements for the one year MEI (60 ECT S) are a Bachelor's Degree, with at least 240 ECT S, from the law faculty or social sciences-humanities.

The eligibility requirements for the two year MEI 120 ECT S are a

Bachelor Degree, with at least 180 ECT S, from the law faculty or social sciences-humanities.

After successful completion of MEI 60 ECTS or MEI 120 ECTS, a student acquires the master degree: Master of Laws in European Integration.

Candidates from social sciences-humanities have an additional requirement of preliminary registration for MEI and must pass the differential exams.

International students who intend to enroll at MEI must complete the procedure of diploma recognition before an official enrollment.

Students must attend three mandatory/ introductory courses

Introduction to the Economic System of the EU, Introduction to the Political System of the EU, Introduction to the Legal System of the EU, as well as the Practical skills course. Additionally, students opt for four courses among twenty two offered courses. Each student also has an obligation to write and defend one seminar paper and master thesis.


  1. Judicial System of the EU
  2. Private International Law in the Context of the EU Legal Structure
    1. EU Company Law
  3. EU Tax Law
  4. EU Competition Law and Policy
  5. EU Intellectual Property Law
  6. European Human Rights Law
  7. EU Anti-Discrimination Law
    1. Labor and Social Law of the EU — Human Rights Aspect
  8. Environmental Law and Policy
  9. EU Trade Policy and Law
  10. Internal Marvet
  11. EU Securities Law
  12. EU Consumer Law and Policy
  13. International Relations of the EU
  14. Geopolitical Perspectives and Consequences of the EU Enlargement
  15. EU Administrative Space
  16. Common Agricultural Policy of the EU
  17. Minority Rights and Policy of the EU
  18. Immigration and Asylum Policy of the EU
  19. Accession of Serbia to the EU
  20. Jean Monnet Module - Free Trade Agreements and European Integration of SEE Countries

Credits (ECTS):

Introduction to the Legal System of the EU course - 5 ECTS

Introduction to the Political System of the EU course - 5 ECTS

Introduction to the Economic System of the EU course - 5 ECTS

One optional course — 6 ECTS (4x6=24 ECTS)

Practical Skills - 3 ECTS

Seminar paper - 5 ECTS

Final Master paper - 13 ECTS

Applications should be submitted to the Office for Master's and Doctoral Studies, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Law, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 67, 1 1 000 Belgrade, Serbia, Tel. +381 1 1 3027 677.

For more information see,

, or write to


We would greatly appreciate if you could distribute this information on your website, by email and/or in a hard copy to potential candidates for studying our master program.


Download flyer.

Prof. Dr. Dragica Vujadinovié

+381 65 82 72 607

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