

3rd Contemporary Issues of Public Administration

3rd Contemporary Issues of Public Administration

2018. június 13.
2 perc
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26 th September 2018

Lounge (‘Kari Társalgó’) 14:30 – 18:00


Elemér Balogh Dean of the Faculty of Law Welcoming the Guests

Péter Mezei Associate Dean for International Affairs – Welcoming note

Albert Takács Head of department – Opening


Giovanna Ligugnana (University of Verona, Italy)

‘Administrative Justice and Environment Protection: Italian and EU Perspectives’


Anna Piszcz (Anna PISZCZ University of Białystok, Poland)

‘Publicisation": The Transfer of Competences from Civil Justice to Public Administration in Poland’


Eylem Apaydın (University of Kocaeli, Turkey)

‘Good Faith in Administrative Contracts’


Maria Karcz-Kacmarek (University of Łódź, Poland)

‘Legal Status of National and Ethnic Minorities in Poland in the Sphere of Culture’


Krystyna Nizioł (University of Szczecin, Poland)

‘Regulatory Impact Assessment in Poland and the European Union-Chosen Issues’


Coffee break


Monika Namysłowska (University of Łódź, Poland)

‘New Kid on the Block: Unfairness in the Food Supply Chain’


Judit Siket (University of Szeged, Hungary)

‘Local Self-Governments in the System of Separation of Power. The Legislative Function’


Deniz Tekin Apaydın (Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey)

‘The Canal Istanbul Project: Governance by National Law or International Law?’


Imola Schiffner (University of Szeged, Hungary)

“New Aspects in the Family Reunification Procedure in Light of the the Case-Law of European Court of Justice”


Erzsébet Csatlós (University of Szeged, Hungary)

‘Consular Protection of EU citizens in Third States. Varietas delectat?


Albert Takács Head of department – Closing remarks

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