

Nordic Learnings from Cases of Copying

Nordic Learnings from Cases of Copying

2018. április 05.
2 perc

Applied Arts and Copyright

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Keynote speaker


Rainer Oesch

University of Helsinki


Further panels of the workshop:


Panel 1: Free Trade Agreements and Copyright Law


Panel 2: Copyright in the 21st Century


Panel 3: Digital Single Market Strategy and Copyright Law


Date: May 15, 2018, 10:00 – 16:00

Official Program



10:00 – 10:45: Keynote speech

Rainer Oesch: Nordic Learning from Cases of Copying


10:45 – 10:50: Short break


10:50 – 11:50 – Copyright & Free Trade Agreements – an African View

Boaz Were (PhD Student): How Wide is the Gap between the EU and Sub-Saharan Africa Copyright Traditions?

Mohammed Abdalruhman Hassabsido Alhadi (LLM Student): Free Trade Agreements And Copyright

Salma Ahmed Wagiealla & Yassir Adil Bashir (LLM Students): The ongoing negotiations of the EU with Sudan on an economic partnership agreement

11:50 – 12:20: Sandwich break

12:20 – 13:50: Copyright issues in the 21st Century

Aslı Alkiş (LLM Student): Copyright and the Cloud: the VCAST Limited v RTI SpA case

Amjad Ashraf (LLM Student): The Interpretation of the Communication to the Public Right in the Filmspeler case

Osman Omer Yousif Ahmed (LLM Student): The Protection of Computer Programs in the 21st Century

Nazmul Haque Tonmoy (LLM Student): Musical sampling in the 21st Century

Emese Hegedűs (LLM Student): Digital Single Market Strategy and Copyright Law


13:50 – 14:00: Closing remarks

Venue: Faculty Council Room (1st floor) 6720 Szeged, Tisza Lajos krt. 54. See Google Maps.


To register for the event please contact Péter Mezei at

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