2025. March 13., Thursday

Student Organizations

ELSA Szeged

ELSA_Szeged_LogoThe European Law Students’ Association, ELSA, is an international, politically neutral, non-profit organization of European Law Students, founded in 1981 by Hungarian, Austrian, German and Polish students. Today it has more than 30,000 members in over 250 cities in 39 European countries, including Szeged. ELSA has consultative status with UNESCO, the United Nations, ECOSOC and the Council of Europe as the highest recognition of its activities. ELSA is currently the largest body of law students and young lawyers in the world.

ELSA Szeged is a local member of the ELSA family. Their aim is to contribute to legal education, to foster a mutual understanding and to promote social responsibility of law students and young lawyers. They provide educational and professional programs to law students in Szeged such as round table discussions, seminars and competitions. Furthermore, they encourage their members to give back to society, therefore they organize at least one charity event per semester.

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HEAD Szeged

HEAD_LogoAn organization that gives university students interested in Europe or diplomacy in general a place to discuss various subjects with other students and experts. The organization frequently hold formal events where members can improve their skills and attend presentations about ongoing issues from experts in their field, but also in informal activities where they can make friends.

HEAD member organizations now operate in three cities and five universities (Corvinus University of Budapest, National University of Public Service, Eötvös Loránd University, University of Pécs, and University of Szeged), offering a pathway for their members that equips them with essential knowledge, skills, and experience. This ensures that upon graduating, students do not need to worry about finding employment in the job market. Thanks to HEAD’s extensive network of connections and partnerships, students have access to internships and job opportunities even during their membership, allowing them to begin their careers in diplomacy, policy, or academia.

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IDSA Szeged

IDSA_LogoThe International Diplomatic Student Association (IDSA), based in Budapest, Hungary, is dedicated to providing professional opportunities for university students and fostering a new generation of globally aware, open-minded individuals. Its flagship program, the MUN-Club, offers weekly sessions where members learn Model United Nations (MUN) procedures and engage in discussions on current global issues. IDSA's members have achieved significant recognition at MUN conferences across Europe. Expanding beyond MUN, IDSA also launched the EU-Society, focusing on EU affairs, and organizes various events, including discussions, study trips, and workshops. More than a professional network, IDSA is a close-knit community where members form meaningful friendships.

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Pro Jure

Pro_Jure_LogoIn spring 2015, law students of the University of Szeged founded the independent student organization Pro Jure – Association for Szeged Law Students. One of their goals is to organize academic and recreational programs to make university life more colorful, and they also try to draw attention to important social issues.

Their ultimate goal is to create a true professional community, working in cooperation with other similar communities and scientific student circles. In recent years, their association has grown to become a leading organization, and not only within the faculty.

Their members organize and run their own colorful programs, where everyone can find something to suit their interests. These include SLAMESET, the joint competition of Slam Poetry Szeged and Pro Jure, or the now traditional Teacher-Student Activity. They are proud to have initiated the Jurist Cup, a national sports event where the best law faculties of the country could compete. In recent years, they have also contributed a little to the educational reform that has been underway at the Faculty of Law in Szeged.



SZTEP_LogoThe Association of Students of Political Science of Szeged, or SZTEP („Szegedi Politológus Hallgatók Egyesülete” in Hungarian), was founded in 2007 by political science students of the University of Szeged, and over the years its membership has grown significantly with the addition of international relations students and other students interested in politics and political science.

The organization offers: a good community where they can help each other with their everyday life at university, professional conferences and lectures where they can develop professionally, fun nights where they can get to know students from other years in a relaxed atmosphere, professional and cultural trips, and also organization of programs and networking tasks.


ESN Szeged

ESN_Szeged_LogoThe ERASMUS Student Network is for all the Erasmus and Stipendium Hungaricum students studying in Szeged, Hungary. ESN Szeged is part of ESN Hungary.

ESN Hungary’s main goal is to assist international students with orientation and integration in Hungary, to provide guidance and support to Erasmus society committees, to encourage and promote the Erasmus program to potential students in Hungary, and to represent Hungary and its member universities at the international level of ESN. In addition, ESN organizes balls, cultural nights, as well as field trips.

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