
Department of Hungarian Legal History


Transport in Szeged

Transport in Szeged

2025. January 21.
2 perc

Szeged has an efficient and well-connected public transport system, with trams and buses serving most parts of the city.

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The daily ticket is valid within the designated area on Szeged local tram, trolleybus, bus and tram-train within the administrative border of Szeged issued from the ticket vending machines of the service providers on the day of purchase.


Trams are one of the most popular and convenient ways to travelszegedi-villamos
around Szeged, especially for reaching key points in the city center
and other districts. The tram station at Szeged Railway Station is
conveniently located, and you can easily board trams to several
central locations in the city. The most important tram lines are
Line 1 and Line 2, which cover many of the city’s popular destinations,
including the university, shopping areas, and the downtown core.


Buses also serve Szeged and are a reliable way to travel to areas not covered by trams. There are bus stops near the railway station, allowing easy access to different neighborhoods and places
around the city.
Bus routes are clearly marked, and timetables are available at stops and online.

Ticketing Systemticket machine_Szeged

Public transport tickets can be purchased at ticket machines located at
tram and bus stops, or you can buy a ticket
directly from the driver when
boarding. Besides, you can buy a ticket on the tram or bus from ticket

machine by credit card.
Single tickets are valid for both trams and buses.
You can find further information about the tickets and taxi service in the
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