2025. March 13., Thursday


UNESCO calls for Proposals for the 2023 “Silk Roads Youth Research Grant”

By providing 12 grants of $10,000 each, the goal of this program is to encourage young researchers to conduct research on the shared legacy of the Silk Roads.

The Silk Roads are a system of trade routes that connect and span Asia, the Middle East, Northeast and East Africa, and Europe. They were important for more than simply the trade of tangible products, as there was also a significant flow of ideas, cultures, and beliefs that had a major effect on Eurasia’s history and development.

UNESCO’s Silk Roads Youth Research Grant aims promote the better understanding of the rich history and common heritage of the silk roads. This is sponsored by a grant scheme launched in 2021 with the support of the National Commission of the People’s Republic of China for UNESCO, to encourage young researchers to further explore the common heritage of silk roads. Young researchers from all nations, aged 35 or under at the time of application, are eligible to apply. The proposed research can be carried out by an individual researcher or as part of a group or collaborative project, but only one grant will be awarded per research project.

The following fields of research are eligible:

  • Science and Technology and Traditional Knowhow
  • Religion and Spirituality
  • Language and Literature
  • Arts and Music
  • Traditional Sports and Games
  • Economy and Trade
  • Silk Roads Legacy and Contemporary Issues

The research must address specific topics such as:

  • the shared heritage and plural identities developed along the Silk Roads,
  • its internal diversity,
  • its potential in contemporary societies for creativity, intercultural dialogue, social cohesion, regional and international cooperation, and
  • ultimately sustainable peace and development.

The deadline for submitting proposals is May 31, 2023.

See the following link for more information:


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