Event Calendar
February 24.14:00 - 16:00
March 1.08:00 - 23:59
April 3. 09:30 - 4. 12:00
June 18. 08:00 - 20. 18:00
July 2. 08:00 - 4. 20:00
The programme provided our students with the opportunity to delve into multifaceted aspects of human rights, fostering an examination of both European and international human rights regulations and safeguards from a diverse range of perspectives.
This year a three-week educational programme allowed two students from the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, International and Regional Studies Institute via the financial support the Hungarian Ministry of Justice provided (IX-SZ/ID/513/2/2022) to attend the European Public Law Academy in Greece organised by EPLO. The course gave the opportunity for Dalma Medvegy and Soma Bácsfalvi to explore topics centred on human rights, with the aim of examining the European and international human rights regulations and protections from multiple perspectives.
Throughout the first week dr. Vasilka Sancin, an expert on human rights, introduced the participants to the right to a healthy environment. Within this concept, the Council of Europe, the European Convention on Human Rights and the ECtHR’s case law was also examined in greater detail. Students were also introduced to the challenges these organisations face regarding environmental protection issues, while current proposals for tackling these issues were also discussed. The interactive nature of the lectures allowed participants to put themselves in the shoes of environmental protection lawyers and represent one or the other side in these complex problems.
During the second week our students delved deeper into examining the relationship between fundamental rights and technology. This included reviewing various legislations and case law that pertains to technology and fundamental human rights. Moreover, data privacy in the age of internet and artificial intelligence was also discussed, and how AI, as a tool of content removal on online platforms raises concerns regarding freedom of expression.
During the last week, on the occasion of the annual reunion of the European Group of Public Law (EGPL), guest speakers arriving from various countries introduced the participants to broader topics within fundamental human rights, such as sustainability, human rights and the state, and the relationship between human rights and corporations. What is more, as a requirement for the completion of the programme, our students were required to write two essays on different topics. Dalma Medvegy recalls that this task inspired her to conduct further research in areas which became of great interest to her. She stated that this aspect of the programme, therefore, was extremely valuable for her future career.
With the guidance of visiting professors from the University of Szeged participating in the EGPL as well – Dr. Anikó Szalai, Dr. Márton Sulyok, and Dr. Norbert Tribl – our students took part in a joint workshop called “State Functions in the Age of Digitalization: Business, Human Rights and Constitutionalism”.
The programme also gave the opportunity for participants to visit the Greek Ombudsman, where they were introduced to the work conducted there and the challenges that they face, as well as the ombudsman’s cooperation with the European Union. A guided tour of the Hellenic Parliament was also offered.
Outside the confines of the lectures, our students also visited the famous Acropolis Museum and the Temple of Poseidon. Both Dalma and Soma are extremely grateful for the experience and found the programme to be incredibly valuable and insightful. They recount that the professional experience that they gained is unparalleled, and they are happy to have made connections with many students and legal professionals from all parts of the world.