Event Calendar
2024. December 16. 08:00 - 2025. February 1. 16:30
January 29.14:00 - 15:30
February 3.14:00 - 17:00Venue: Online (Skype)
February 24.14:00 - 16:00
March 1.08:00 - 23:59
Dr. habil. Norbert Merkovity, Deputy Dean for Education represented our Faculty at the closing ceremony of the Gateway Programme on 19th December 2023, where he said that internationalization continues to be very important for the University and the Faculty, and that in this context relations with China are of particular importance. He expressed his hope that the students have learned a lot of useful things during their time here, be it Legal English or the basics of European Union Law or any of the other subjects on offer.
Prof. Dr. Krisztina Karsai, Director of the Gateway programme also welcomed the students, stating that those who arrived for the semester continue an important tradition, as the programme has been running since 2012, and is one of the international pillars of the Faculty. Professor Karsai also said that the programme is not only opening a gateway to the University of Szeged, but also to the heart of Europe. She hopes that the students have learned a lot of useful ’lessons’ from the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences and reminded the students that their Alma Mater always welcomes them back, whether it is to continue their studies or to visit as a visiting professor.