2025. February 14., Friday

„Harmonisation of Serbian and Hungarian (domestic) law with EU law and Cross-Border Cooperation"


(„Legal and political research and the COVID-19”)

Call for Papers

In the frame of the conference series of „Harmonisation of Serbian and Hungarian (domestic) law with EU law and Cross-Border Cooperation", the University of Szeged, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences organises the 8th scientific meeting of researchers. The global pandemic, which also has a significant effect on legal development, gives the topicality of this event. Therefore, we thought that one, but not exclusive topic and the subtitle of the next meeting should be “legal and political research and COVID-19”.

The conference will be organised on 17th June 2021 remotely due to the pandemic.

We kindly ask you to send the title and abstract of your English paper to Senior Lecturer Dr. Erzsébet Csatlós, Rapporteur for International Affairs of our Faculty in an e-mail (csatlos.e@juris.uszeged.hu) until 7th May 2021. Since we organise a remote conference in the current situation, we kindly ask you to prepare a PowerPoint presentation which will make your performance more traceable for all.

You shall join the conference by the following Skype link: https://join.skype.com/0dsXRGCi4GbU

Hope to greet you on 17th June!

The data processing information of the conference is available here. 

Szeged, 26th April 2021

Yours sincerely,

Prof. Dr. Márta Görög
