2025. February 2., Sunday

History of our Faculty

The Faculty of Law and Political Sciences receives and instructs the jurists of the future.


The 10th of October 1921 herald the beginning of not only, university education in Szeged, but also a city’s, and a whole region’s dream came true. Since the eighteenth century there had always been a constant desire to establish a university, which would then become the center of knowledge of cultural and national values for The Great Plain. This desire was realized as a result of the Treaty of Trianon when, the Cluj-Napoca Jesuit College founded by István Báthory in 1581, the University of Franz Joseph moved to Budapest, then ultimately to Szeged. Consequently, the city was enriched by a well-established, efficient and uniform institution. Until the outbreak of World War II and the madness that ensued, its academic teachers had increased the reputation of our university with national and international acknowledgements as a result of their willingness to work and persistence in the face of economic hardship. A few of these great professors were László Búza, Barna Horváth, István Ereky or Ödön Polner. The motivation and passion for Szeged founding their own university cannot be more clearly shown than by the financial sacrifices which were made during these difficult times in order to the maintain the proper functioning of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Social Sciences, Language and History Sciences, and Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. This goal was realized with the assistance and support of Kunó Klebelsberg Minister of Culture, who wanted to improve the provincial capitals of Szeged, along with Pécs and Debrecen, in terms of culture and science. In the '30s, as a result of these initiatives the four faculties were temporarily relocated and the necessary constructions were completed so that an adequate work-environment could be created. In the early autumn of 1940 the university was relocated to Cluj-Napoca, and in Szeged a new university, namely the University of Miklós Horthy, was established with four faculties, which began functioning on the 12th of November 1940, in the same buildings, with the same institutions, which the university had occupied some twenty years ago. The complete relocation to Cluj-Napoca affected only the academic teachers of the Faculty of Law, who mostly were reappointed, to Cluj-Napoca. Consequently, the functioning of the Faculty in Szeged was temporarily suspended. The university (in legal terms, under the Act of Parliament XXVIII. in 1940, it was a newly established university), named after the Governor Miklós Horthy, functioned with three faculties. At the end of World War II the University of Franz Joseph was forced to move to Szeged again. After the brief interruption to university life – it started up very quickly again due to the organization of the democratic political life in the city. The Faculty of Law after its suspension in 1940 resumed activities from the autumn of 1945 in Szeged.


On the 1st of January 2000, in the framework of the higher education integration process a uniform University of Szeged was established by the integration of institutions functioning in Szeged, namely Gyula Juhász Teacher Training College, Food Industrial College of Szeged, Conservatory of Music, Albert Szent-Györgyi Medical University (along with the Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy and College-faculty of Health Sciences), University of Attila József, which included the three traditional faculties and in addition to those, the Faculty of Business, which is set apart from the Faculty of Law. Additionally the Agricultural College, resided in Hódmezővásárhely. As a result of this integration process the Faculty of Law of Political Sciences became one out of eleven, at the beginning, and currently twelve, faculties of the University of Szeged.