2024. July 3., Wednesday

Workshop on Intellectual Property Law in Szeged

The 3rd WIPS (Workshop on Intellectual Property Law in Szeged) was organized on May 15, 2018. The keynote speaker of the event was Rainer Oesch, professor emeritus of the University of Helsinki. The further presenters of the program were the students of the Faculty’s International and European Trade and Investment Law LLM program.


The main purpose of the workshop was to educate the LLM students and to provide some space for them to evidence their own professional development. As a part of these, Prof. Oesch delivered a lecture on the Nordic experiences related to design, fashion and copyright law, including many cases on this matter. The students also presented their research papers on international, European and digital intellectual property law that they wrote during the semester. The topics included the intellectual property framework of African countries, free trade agreements and copyright law, the case law of the European Court of Justice and the Digital Single Market Strategy.


The workshop was organized by Associate Professor Péter Mezei and István Harkai, graduate student, supported by the colleagues of the Dean’s Office.

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2024. June 28.