2024. July 3., Wednesday

SZTE Online Open Day 2021

On 2nd June the University of Szeged held its annual open day on a digital platform where more than a hundred prospective students could directly pose their questions about our educational programs.

Dr. Péter Mezei, associate professor of the Comparative Law Institute gave a general view on the wide range of foreign language education programs of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences and Dr. Gizem Gültekin-Várkonyi, research assistant of the International and Regional Studies Institute was present to ensure quick and adequate responses to questions related to the most popular program, the MA of international relations.

Further information (including the contact persons) on the education programs (in foreign language) of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences is available here.

Please also check our leaflet!

Please visit the renewed website of the University of Szeged dedicated to international students here and watch our international students’ sharing their experiences!

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2024. June 28.