2024. July 3., Wednesday


Our fellow scholars participated in EPLO summer training programs

Financed by the University of Szeged, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, three of our Ph.D. Fellows and one of our Master Students won a scholarship to participate in European Public Law Organization’s (EPLO) prospective training programs.

Our PhD Fellow, Réka Szaniszló, and a Master student, Diona Grezda, participated on a one-week, Migration Summer School which was organized for the second time. During one week, the students had possibilities to attend professional programs on the topics of Precarious Labour, Human Trafficking, & Social Exclusion in Europe.


In addition to the theoretical lectures delivered by well-known professionals (Bridget Anderson, Giovanna Campani, Korina Hatzinikolaou, Iraklis Moskoff, Lefteris Papagiannakis, Daniel Esdras) in the fields of migration and refugees, and economic migrants, the participants of the summer school were able to gain deeper insight into everyday practice during an organized study trip.

Our PhD Fellow, Gizem Gültekin Várkonyi participated in the European Academy of Public Law which is organized in two-tier topics of Privacy, and Law Enforcement offered by well-known Professors.


One of our Ph.D. Fellows, Norbert Tribl completed an internship program at EPLO. He experienced for two months of being with the EPLO family. The three pillars of the internship program organized by EPLO include the training of interns, strengthening international contacts and involving the participants in EPLO's daily activities.

In accordance with the three pillars of the internship program organized by EPLO, the core of the two-month internship was the participation in the reception of international delegations, and assisting conference organization, thereby supporting the work of EPLO staff. During the internship, our fellow was able to work together for a short time with the delegation of the Supreme Court of Thailand and to attend an official visit to the Presidential Palace of the Republic of Greece with Gizem Gültekin Várkonyi where they had a unique chance to meet the President of Greece. Two colleagues also represented our University by presenting their PhD topics at the Annual Reunion of the European Group of Public Law Conference.
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2024. June 28.