2024. July 3., Wednesday

Interview with Marie Bente John

(Péter Mezei) Which university are you coming from and what did you study at home?

(Marie Bente John) In Germany, I study Law at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität in Bonn. After my Erasmus-semester I will start my specialization in International Private and Comparative Law.


(PM) Why did you choose Szeged and what are you studying here in Szeged?

(Marie) I continue my studies of Law here in Szeged, but luckily, I can participate in more European and international classes, as in some economic related. This is also one of the reasons for choosing Szeged for my Erasmus-experience. The university as the city itself is very internationally and one is able to learn a lot beyond his actual studies. Besides the university, Hungary is a great place to stay. I’m learning a complete new language by travelling through beautiful old cities and eating the amazing Hungarian food.


(PM) What are you plans for the future after you graduate in Szeged?

(Marie) First, I will go for an internship to Berlin and finish the academic year at my home university. Afterwards I hope to get the chance to work for a year in an NGO abroad, to get some more experience. Beyond that I will finish my degree and probably starting the second, to become a full lawyer.


(PM) What kind of memories would you like to bring home from Szeged?

(Marie) A lot of good ones! The small and intensive classes at the university, making friends from all over, learning several new languages, trying new food and habits. Szeged might seem inconspicuous, but I didn’t regret a minute to come here.

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