2025. March 13., Thursday


University’s sports life/大学体育活动

Being a sportive institution, the University of Szeged offers such a wide variety of sports activities that the time spent studying at the university proves to be too short to try out all of them. To mention just some of the less common ones: every student has the opportunity to try parachuting, horse riding, skiing, yoga; all in addition to the university’s sports associations where competitions are held in a number of sports from fencing to basketball. Our men’s basketball team, SZTE-SZEDEAK, made it to Group B of the First Division NB I in 2007. We are proud of the many Olympic and world champion athletes, including kayaker Natasa Janics and water polo player Gergely Kiss, who have chosen the University of Szeged for their studies. Szeged has frequently been the venue for international sports events. One of the most prominent of these was the World University Squash Championship in 2006 with participants from all over the world.


作为一所热爱运动的大学, 塞格德大学为学生提供了各种各样的体育活动,种类多到许多学生甚至都说在大学学习的时间太短不够尝试完所有的项目。在这里介绍一些不常见的:比如每个学生都有机会尝试跳伞,骑马、滑雪、瑜伽,除了这些我们还有大学的体育协会举行的许多体育竞赛比如从击剑到篮球。我们的男篮,SZTE-SZEDEAK,2007年成功地晋级到了来到了NB I 联赛的甲级B组。我们很自豪的奥运会和世界冠军锦标赛的运动员,包括皮划艇爱好者Natasa Janics和水球运动员Gergely Kiss,都选择了在塞格德大学完成学业。塞格德经常作为国际体育赛事的举办场地。其中最著名的是2006年世界大学壁球锦标赛,我们成功接待了来自世界各地的参赛者们。


For further information: SZTE Sports Centre, 6725 Szeged Hattyas sor 10.

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