2025. February 9., Sunday


Dream & Reality - The Relationship of the ECHR and Hungary over the past 30 years Conference

Delve into the intricate history of the ECHR and Hungary over the past 30 years at the upcoming international conference, organized by the Institute of Public Law on 29 September 2023.

Date, venue:
29 September 2023 / 9:00 AM
Council Room (1st floor), Faculty of Law and Political Sciences
54 Tisza Lajos Boulevard, Szeged, Hungary

Short Program
9:00-9:20: Registration
9:20-9:40: Opening remarks
9:40-11:40: Plenary session (in English)
11:40-12:30: Lunch break
12:30-14:00: Session I-III. (Session III. is in English)
14:00-14:15: Coffee break
14:15-15:45: Session IV-VI.
15:45-16:00: Closing remarks

“Democracy, freedom, human rights have come to have a definite meaning to the people of the world which we must not allow any nation to so change that they are made synonymous with suppression and dictatorship.”

Eleanor Roosevelt, “The Struggle for Human Rights,” September 28, 1948

Opening remarks

Prof. Dr. Márta GÖRÖG, Dean, welcome speech in Hungarian

Dr. habil. Anikó SZALAI, Dean's Representative for International Affairs, welcome speech in English

Plenary Session (in English) - venue: Council Room (1st floor)

Dr. Julien ROSSI, Université Paris 8

“Is there a right not to participate in digital technology?”


Dr. Maxim TOMOSZEK, Palacký University Olomouc

“ECHR in Visegrad Context: Shared Experiences, Opportunities and Failures”


Dr. Zoltán TALLÓDI, Ministry of Justice

“Challenges of procedures before the European Court of Human Rights from an agent’s point of view”


Moderated by: dr. habil. Anikó SZALAI

Session III. - venue: Room JK205 (2nd floor)

Daniil GOLOSSENKO, International Relations MA

„Article 3 of the ECHR: Its implementation in Europe and Russia”


Dr. Dávid MÁRKI, senior lecturer, Institute of Public Law

„The principle of publicity in the European Court of Human Rights’ practice”


Dr. Samantha Joy CHEESMAN, senior lecturer, Institute of Comparative Law and Legal Theory

„The Long and Winding Road of Hungary’s Accession Journey: An Analysis of the Right to a Fair Trial”


Pavlo BURDIAK, Ph.D. student

„Unveiling digital rights: the Council of Europe's legal instruments of upholding freedom of expression online”


Moderated by: dr. Maxim TOMOSZEK

The full program is available here.