2025. March 13., Thursday

Program of the conference

Read the draft programme of the conference.

May 29, 2017

Venue: University Library (“TIK”), Basement Conference Room II.


8:00 – 9:00 Registration


9:00 – 10:45 Panel #1 (Industrial Property and Competition Law)

Chair: Sean Pager (Michigan State University)


Participants and presentations:

Timothy Holbrook (Emory University)

Extraterritoriality and Digital Patent Infringement (Keynote speech)

Tuomas Mylly (University of Turku)

Unitary patent law: European law, international law or what – and why it matters?

Konrad Mazur (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań)

Whistleblowing of trade secrets – the gap and balance between secrecy, social interests and individual rights

John T. Cross (University of Louisville)

Evaluating Trademark Rules through the Lens of Monopolistic Competition


10:45 – 11:15 Coffee break sponsored by Jutasi and Partners Law Firm


11:15 – 12:45 Panel #2 (Innovation Law)

Chair: Timothy Holbrook (Emory University)


Participants and presentations:

Mei-Hsin Wang (National Yunlin University of Science & Technology)

Technology and Intellectual Property Development on Smart Vehicle

Sven Hetmank (Technical University Dresden)

Innovations Made by Artificial Intelligence – Current and Future Challenges for Patent Law

Eliza Mik (Singapore Management University)

Nothing but the Truth: the Viability of Blockchain Technologies for the Distribution of Digital Content

Frank Hoogendijk (Law Square)

Collaborative E(U)conomy: status quaestionis

György Baksay-Nagy (Bardehle Pagenberg Partnershaft mbB / Szecskay Attorneys-at-Law)

Design Protection for Graphical User Interfaces and Animated Icons?


12:45 – 14:00 Lunch break sponsored by Sár & Partners Attorneys at Law


14:00 – 15:45 Panel #3 (Digital Single Market)

Chair: Tuomas Mylly (University of Turku)


Participants and presentations:

Matej Gera (Bournemouth University)

Out-of-commerce works: Economic analysis of recent legislative and judicial developments in the EU

Cesar-Joel Ramirez-Montes (University of Leeds)

EU Implementation of the Marrakesh Treaty for the Visually Impaired

Laura Zoboli (Bocconi University)

The Digital Borders within the EU: Geo-blocking, Geo‑filtering and IP Law

Maciej Zejda (University of Gdańsk)

Critical analysis of the proposal for a new neighbouring right for press publishers

Juha Vesala (University of Helsinki)

Press publishers’ rights – Solution to value gap?

Krzysztof Felchner (Jagiellonian University Cracow)

Draft of the EU directive on supply of digital content and copyright law


15:45 – 16:15 Coffee break sponsored by the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office


16:15 – 17:30 Panel #4 (Cultural Preservation)

Chair: Péter Mezei (University of Szeged)


Participants and presentations:

Susan Corbett (Victoria University of Wellington)

Cultural Heritage Institutions and Copyright Law: Reconciling the Traditional with the Digital

Clemens Appl (Danube-University Krems) & Philipp Homar (Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien)

Education 4.0: Modernizing Copyright for the Knowledge Society

Adrienn Timár (Hungarian Intellectual Property Office)

Is UUC a threat to copyright holders, protectable creative content or an effective tool of advertisement and cultural preservation?

Aura Bertoni & Maria Lillà’ Montagnani (Bocconi University)

The Digitisation of Cultural Heritage in Europe: and Empirical Analysis


May 30, 2017

Venue: University Library (“TIK”), Basement Conference Room II.


8:30 – 9:30 Registration


9:30 – 11:00 Panel #5 (IP Doctrines)

Chair: Peter K. Yu (Texas A&M University)


Participants and presentations:

Mira Sundara Rajan (CREATe & Glasgow University)

After Authorship: Copyright and Moral Rights in AI Creations

Jie Hua (Shanghai International College of Intellectual Property of Tongji University)

Copyright Infringement and Protection in Holographic Performances

Luis Javier Capote Pérez (University of La Laguna)

What are the limits of cession of IP Rights? Mikel Urmaneta vs Kukuxumusu

Dénes István Legeza (Hungarian Intellectual Property Office)

Learning through Walking: Copyright Related Cases and Places

Enrico Bonadio (City University of London)

Copyright in Street Art and Graffiti: Why It is Useful and Appropriate


11:00 – 11:30 Coffee break sponsored by Danubia Patent and Law Office LLC


11:30 – 13:00 Panel #6 (IP Doctrines)

Chair: John T. Cross (University of Louisville)


Participants and presentations:

Saurabh Vishnubhakat (Texas A&M University)

Patent Literacy and Federative Access to Legal Services

Sean A. Pager (Michigan State University)

Infringement as Unfair Competition

Katja Lindroos (University of Eastern Finland)

Access to IP-addresses and balancing fundamental rights of users against enforcement

Mary LaFrance (University of Nevada)

Choice of Law and the Right of Publicity

Peter K. Yu (Texas A&M University)

A Spatial Critique of Intellectual Property Law and Policy


13:00 – 14:00 Lunch break sponsored by Hungarian Intellectual Property Office


14:00 – 15:45 Panel #7 (Communications Law)

Chair: Katja Lindroos (University of Eastern Finland)


Participants and presentations:

Katarzyna Klafkowska-Waśniowska (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań)

The country of origin principle for online transmissions of broadcasting organisations

Lucius Klobučník (University of Helsinki)

Changing nature of the communication to the public right on digital platforms

Csaba Sár (Sár & Partners Attorneys at Law)

The Right of Communication to the Public: New Legislative and Case Law Developments in Europe

Anikó Grad-Gyenge (Gáspár Károli University of the Reformed Church)

Responsibility for copyright infringements – new elements in the practice of the CJEU

István Harkai (University of Szeged)

Should we block the wifi? – McFadden v. Sony Music

Mark Hyland (Bangor University)

Roll up, roll up, it’s the great web-blocking Extravaganza!

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