2024. July 3., Wednesday


National Higher Education Scholarship 2024-2025

Students are invited to apply for the scholarship for the 2024/2025 academic year until 8 July 2024.

2024-2025 call for applications
for a National Higher Education Scholarship

Key steps for application include:

  • Ensure all grades are correctly registered in Neptun. Contact examiners to fix any discrepancies.
  • Confirm with the Academic Office that your semester records and grade point average (GPA) are finalized.
  • Verify you have a minimum 4.5 GPA for both semesters of the 2023/2024 academic year.
  • Review the faculty evaluation system in the annex (see below).
  • Check that you meet all additional conditions in the National Higher Education Scholarship call for applications.
  • Applications must be submitted via the Modulo system by 23:59 on 8th July 2024.

Scholarship details and annex:

  1. For details see the Call for Application
  1. The evaluation requirements are available in the Annex

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