2024. July 3., Wednesday


IRSI scholarship recipients to attend EPLO summer courses in 2024

Thanks to the support of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences and the International and Regional Studies Institute, five students in 2024 will attend the summer courses offered by EPLO.

With the support of the International and Regional Studies Institute, five students – Szimonetta Tóth, Dániel Kovács, Nóra Hanna Csőke, Marufjon Yokubjonov and Laura Anna Deme – were awarded scholarships this year to attend summer courses organized by the European Public Law Organization (EPLO) in Greece.


Scholarships have been offered to attend the „Migration Summer School” and the „Global Administrative Law in Practice programs. Congratulations to the scholarship recipients and we hope that their participation will be both professionally enriching and rewarding, contributing to the further development of their knowledge and expertise.

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2024. June 28.