2025. February 11., Tuesday

Conference invitation - History of Competition Law. Comparative Aspects and Lessons for Today.

Dear Colleagues,

The Centre for Antitrust and Regulatory Studies of the University of Warsaw and the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the University of Szeged organise a joint conference on the comparative aspects of history of competition law and the implications of the past for the contemporary world. In particular, we would like to focus on the History of Competition Law. Comparative Aspects and Lessons for Today. By addressing such topics, the conference aims to examine competition and cartel law through the lenses of its European and American roots which still have an impact on legal development and practice. Moreover, the conference aims to discuss the peculiarities of Central and Eastern European countries, i.e. countries which followed a different path of the development of their competition law regimes. The aim of the conference is to present the results of based on legal historical traditions and discuss their relevance for the current jurisprudence and legal practice in competition law.

The conference will be held remotely on 31 August 2021.

The programme of the conference is available on: Zoom. Please check the time of your presentation carefully (the conference program is in CET). Please follow the instructions below:

1. Please click here:


2. (ID: 846 4114 0819 Passcode: 601488) to join the conference.

3. Use your full name as profile name in Zoom.

4. Your microphone will be turned off before and after your presentation.

5. Hold your questions for the end of each sections. If you would like to ask please use the ‘raise hand button’ which is available in Zoom. The moderator of the meeting will receive your request and allow to ask or deliver your comment.

6. Please use the registration link: https://forms.gle/ydufVkRQqoSLL7Na8



Yours faithfully,

Maciej Bernatt


István Csongor Nagy


Norbert Varga
