2019. February 18.
The Erasmus+ program is one of the finest cultural initiatives of the European Union. It not only allows for students to broaden their knowledge and build their networks abroad, but it also allows for professors to broaden their professional experiences and deepen their international networks. 
Up till now I was awarded an Erasmus grant more than 20 times, however, this was the first occasion that I used it to visit the United Kingdom. My destination was the Bangor University that is located on the top of a great hill in the heart of the city. The city itself is located in North Wales, in a historically rich environment, and surrounded by 13th century castles, like Caernarfon, Conwy and the unfinished, hence beautiful Beaumaris on the island of Anglesey.
The Bangor University was founded over 100 years ago by the local inhabitants. The school has since become one of the leading universities of the United Kingdom, and it has currently more than ten thousand students. The excellence of education is evidenced by two golden awards received by the university in 2018. 
The School of Law’s sizzling, international life is guaranteed by the various bachelor and master level programs. I arrived to this multicultural environment in February 2019 to deliver a series of lectures on my most interesting educational and research topics. These topics included the free trade agreements of the European Union, the copyright protection of sport moves, the comparative analysis of case law related to linking, and the state of the art of digital exhaustion doctrine. 
I had a separate chance to advertise the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the University of Szeged, too. The Erasmus+ agreement of the two schools, concluded in 2018, allows the mobility of students and professors of both institutions. The multi-lingual Comparative Law Program of the Szeged Law School can guarantee that Bangor students can significantly benefit from their studies abroad. Similarly, Bangor professors can join and contribute to the already existing modules in various fields of law. Vice versa, the Bangor University School of Law is an ideal destination for Szeged students and professors who aim to broaden their knowledge on international and common law. 
While in Bangor, I also had the chance to officially negotiate with the Dean of the Bangor School of Law, Professor Dermot Cahill, on the broadening of the collaboration of the two schools. Just as with the administration of my current mobility, Mark Hyland, Lecturer of International Intellectual Property Law and Erasmus+ Coordinator of the Bangor School of Law, can be our greatest supporter in this process. As a part of this initiative, we are looking forward the visit of Bangor colleagues already in 2019 and 2020. I further had the chance to talk to other colleagues of the Bangor Law School, namely, to Thomas Perry and Michael Howard, whose PhD research is focused on copyright law. 
My return to Bangor is only a question of time. In the meanwhile, I hope that I can help others to visit this excellent university. Likewise, I hope to host more and more Bangor people at the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of the University of Szeged.
Dr. habil. Péter Mezei, Associate Professor of Law