2019. May 21.
The Institute of Comparative Law and Legal Theory has organized an intensive week of lectures for the students of the Szeged Law School and the University of Louisville Brandeis Law School during May 10-16, 2019.
On the detailed summary of the fourth WIPS click on the following link.

The WIPS was followed by various lectures held by John T. Cross, the Grosscurth Professor of the University of Louisville, Iony Randrianirina, lecturer of the Catholic University of Lyon, as well as Péter Mezei and István Harkai, associate professor and junior lecturer of the Institute of Comparative Law and Legal Theory. The classes were provided for the students of the International Trade and Investment Law LLM, the Anglosaxon Law and English Legal Translation LLM, Erasmus and Gateway Programs, as well as for the undergraduate students of the Szeged Law School, and three visiting students of the University of Louisville.

John Cross has delivered separate lectures on the fundamentals of the US copyright regime, the international and US models of moral rights, as well as the international protection of traditional cultural expressions. Iony Randrianirina has introduced the borderlines of artifitial intelligence and copyright Law. Péter Mezei has talked about the Hungarian and Chinese approaches to the protection of traditional cultural expressions, as well as about issues related to digital copyright law. Last, but not least, István Harkai has introduced the modern challenges of digital copyright law, including the clash of economic rights, and the problems surrounding law enforcement via the Internet.