2024. July 3., Wednesday


Professor László Trócsányi visited Ankara and Hacettepe University

On the 2nd of November 2018, Professor László Trócsányi visited Hacettepe University, Faculty of Law in frame of the Memorandum of Understanding agreement signed between the Faculties of Hacettepe University and University of Szeged in the beginning of this year. The professor and his colleagues were warmly welcomed by the Rector of Hacettepe University Prof. Dr. Haluk Özen, Vice Deans of the Faculty of Law Prof. Dr. Erkan Küçükgüngör and Assoc. Prof. Dr. İştar CENGİZ, and Research Assistant Azer Sumbas. kep2

Prof. Trócsányi gave his lecture entitled “The role of Hungarian Fundamental Law in European Integration” before more than 120 audience participating from different legal branches from constitutional law to European law, as well as different professions such as International Relations.


In his lecture, the Professor first introduced Hungary, Hungarian Ministry of Justice, Hungarian justice system, Hungarian politics from a short historical point of view and the current political issues, and gave highlights from the Hungarian Fundamental Law. Then he continued his lecture by explaining the relationship between national identity and constitutional values, the role of National Parliaments in European integration, and Hungarian practices on the way to EU membership. Kep4

He also touched upon student life in Hungary and in Szeged particularly, and gave some information about Turkish life in Hungary such as good relationships in terms of culture and trade, and number of Turkish students and available education programs for Turkish students.

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