2024. July 3., Wednesday


New student association in Szeged- International Diplomatic Student Association Szeged

You may have not heard about IDSA Szeged until now. Let us introduce you this new student association, which exists only in Szeged and in Budapest right now.


The International Diplomatic Student Association Szeged (IDSA Szeged) is a student organization which aims to collect students who are interested in the world of diplomacy, international law and international relations and its goal is to make a great community of them. We provide our members continuous possibility to develop their personal and professional skills and our goal is to prepare them for model United Nations conferences all around the world. As a member, students have the chance to participate in regular courses where they have the possibility to learn about the United Nations, about the secrets of model UN conferences and besides these there is the chance to develop their skills as well. Students can improve their diplomatic English knowledge skills, can learn how to be braver when delivering a public speech or they can just learn how to act as a diplomat. If you are interested in all these things, you are the person we need!

As a member of this association you will have tons of opportunities from which you can immerse in your future as a global citizen and can help you build your carrier as well. We seek to recruit the most motivated and brightest students in order to create a professional atmosphere.

The association aims to improve the members’ communication skills by giving them a chance to make public speeches and by taking their English language on a higher and more academic level. This will come handy not only for those who are willing to have a carrier as a diplomat, but for everyone else who feels unconfident and wants to burst out from it. With our intense debates we can create possible solutions for world-wide problems within the framework of our biweekly-held MUN Club. You can also hear the experiences of our guests who actually work on the field. They will present you their work as peacekeepers or as officers within the United Nations. If this is not enough, you can be part of a friendly community where we take care of each other, help each other in our university life and where good friendships will be born even through state borders. To sum it up, as a member of IDSA Szeged you can be part of a great community and you can learn how to be professional at the same time. „Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction” - said John F. Kennedy. Considering this, let us help you find your direction and your purpose in life! IDSA Szeged is waiting for you!

Come to our InfoNight where you can meet the presidency, learn more about us and ask questions if you still have some!

Date and time: 12th February 2018, 18:00

Place: University of Szeged-Faculty of Law


Made by Fanni Lajkó

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