2024. July 3., Wednesday


„A UN-clear picture? Decision-making paradoxes in the UN” workshop

On the 9th of November 2017, the Department of International and European Law together with the International and Regional Studies Institute successfully organized a workshop which aimed to discuss current obstacles before the United Nations’ decision making process. The event was hosted by Ana Chubinidze who is currently a Master student at the International Relations program. After her welcome speech, Former Permanent Representative of Hungary to the United Nations, André Erdős, draw a comprehensive picture of the UN’s past and current decision making issues and shared his opinions of the possible steps for the future.


Next, Gizem Gültekin Várkonyi (PhD Student, Doctoral School of Law) presented the global personal data protection conflicts and discussed the UN’s reactions to such conflicts. Afterwards, Santiago Vallejo Galarraga (PhD Student, Doctoral School of Law) presented the problems of the rights of nature as a subject of law, and enriched the content of the event. After the presentations session, the participants formed working groups to discuss the obstacles and come up with some idea to how to go beyond. Each group presented their solutions which were creatively found.


Moderator of the workshop, dr.Anikó Szalai (Senior Lecturer, Department of International and European Law) contributed each steps of the event with her up to date knowledge, and placed her valuable closing remarks. The event hosted approximately 30 people; each actively participated in the different sessions with their questions and remarks.

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2024. June 28.