2024. July 3., Wednesday


The University of Szeged Cooperates with Universities from Germany and Serbia

The leadership of the University of Szeged has singed two contracts with its partner institutions. The University of Szeged and the University of Potsdam have a successful ongoing relationship for years now and the University of Újvidék (Novi Sad) will join this cooperation. During the signing ceremony on July 4th 2017 the parties have also mentioned the possible expansion of the trilateral agreement.


The University of Szeged Faculty of Law Comparative Law Institute has started its postgraduate German Law and German Legal Language Translator training program with the University of Potsdam, Germany, in 2008, which based on the newly signed contract will end in issuing a joint degree. The University of Újvidék (Novi Sad) is joining in to this cooperation. A Declaration of Intent about mutual research and educational cooperation between the three Institutions has been signed on July 4th 2017 in Szeged by Florian Schweigert, Vice Rector for Internatioanl Affairs of the University of Potsdam, Dušan Nikolić the Rector of the University of Novi Sad and Gábor Szabó and Judit Fendler, the Rector and Chancellor of the University of Szeged, respectively. This trilateral agreement allows cooperation on the Field of Law, but talks have begun for further expansion with the University of Szeged Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Science and Informatics at the helm.


„From now on students from Serbia can participate in the joint LL.M program of the University of Potsdam and the University of Szeged. The three Institutions can also make an application for EU tenders together” – Dr. Attila Badó, Professor and leader of the Comparative Law Institute and the LL.M program gave an example of possible advantages of the cooperation between the three Universities during the signing ceremony.


The contract of the joint LL.M program of the University of Potsdam and the University of Szeged has also been renewed. The long standing joint training program of the two Institutes have been accredited both in Germany and Hungary. The outcome of this is from now on the students who have successfully completed the German Law and German Legal Language Translator training program will receive a joint degree. What’s more, passing a differences exam students from the University of Szeged can receive a diploma from the German university. The joint degree that is acknowledged both in Hungary and in Germany gives students a higher chance to find appropriate jobs in both the domestical and the EU employment market.


„The University of Szeged Faculty of Law is broadening its international associations. Our oldest cooperations are with France and with the United States of America, and our mutual training program with the University of Potsdam also has a nice tradition. Furthermore we have made way for cooperations with China and lately Vietnam” - reminded Elemér Balogh. The Dean of the Faculty of Law has said that the significance of the new trilateral agreement is that with the involvement of a partner from Vojvodina the University of Szeged can be connected to new EU projects.


László Palkovics, Undersecretary for Education of the Ministry of Human Capacities have also participated in the signing ceremony of the two contracts signed by the University of Szeged and its partners.

SZTEinfo – Ú. I.

Photos: Anna Bobkó

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