2024. July 3., Wednesday


The second semester of the 2016/2017 term has ended for the Chinese exchange students of the Gateway Program.

In February 2017 11 students have arrived in Szeged from three Chinese partner universities (Shanghai International Studies University, Polytechnic University és Northwest University of Xi’an) to start their one semester long studies at our Faculty. It is this year’s novelty that students have come not just from Shanghai but Xi’an as well.

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At the closing ceremony our University was represented by the Professor of our Faculty, Dr. Krisztina Karsai, Vice-Rector for Education, while the Faculty of Law itself was represented by Dr. habil. Péter Mezei, Vice-Dean for International Affairs and by Dr. Norbert Varga, Vice-Dean for Scientific Affairs and current director of the Gateway Program. Richárd Mohr and Zhang Lin, Hungarian and Chinese directors of the Confucius Institute, respectively, have also participated in the Ceremony.

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At the ceremony both Professor Dr. Krisztina Karsai and Dr. habil. Péter Mezei have stated that the students can fill up a huge void back in China with the knowledge they have acquired here, because there are still only a few lawyers in the Far Eastern country who have adequate knowledge regarding the European Rule of Law and it’s Economic System. They have emphasized that one must also not forget the importance of personal experience the students have gained here in Hungary and in Szeged and also the significance of friendships formed here. This is exactly the main purpose of existence for the Gateway program.

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Dr. Norbert Varga has also given a speech on behalf of the Program and last but not least the Directors of the Confucius Institute said goodbye in Chinese, whereafter all 11 students have received their certificates.

Photos: Szabolcs Erdelyi

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