2024. July 3., Wednesday


The Chargé d’Affaires, ad interim visited Szeged and met with Pro Jure

The deputy chief of mission, Mr. David Kostelancik, from the Embassy of the United States visited Szeged on March 23, 2017. During his stay he invited the representatives of the Pro Jure Association for a lunch. The relation between the Embassy and Pro Jure came into existence in November 2016, when Jasmine Hussein represented the association on a roundtable-discussion organized by the Embassy on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Revolution of 1956. That time the main topic of the discussion, guided by the then Ambassador Mrs. Colleen Bell, was the symbolic figure of József Mindszenty and the youth’s connection to the revolution. Colleen_Bell

The Embassy contacted Pro Jure again with the purpose of improving their relation and therefore Gerda Bohács, Jasmine Hussein, András Szalkai and Tamás Bogdány had the chance to represent the association again. At the informal meeting on March 23 David Kostelancik was interested in the functioning, the goals and the role of the association at the Faculty of Law, as well as in the everyday life of the students in Szeged. Beside that they had the opportunity to discuss several topics that have emerged both in Hungary and in the European Union and that represent the main talking points of the youth.

The meeting provided a great chance to strengthen the relationship between Pro Jure and the Embassy and hopefully it holds out hopes of continuing their cooperation, with not excluding the possibility of organising a joint program by the parties.

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