2017. September 29.
38 Chinese students participated in the opening ceremony, filled by excitement and high expectations.
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At the Opening Ceremony our University was represented by the Professor of our Faculty, Dr. Krisztina Karsai, Vice-Rector for Education, while the Faculty of Law itself was represented by Dr. habil. Péter Mezei, Vice-Dean for International Affairs and by Dr. Norbert Varga, Vice-Dean for Scientific Affairs and current director of the Gateway Program. Richárd Mohr, Hungarian director of the Confucius Institute have also participated in the Ceremony
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During the ceremony it became evident that the students are fueled by curiosity regarding our program, our town and our country. As per our previous experience, they will return to China with significantly more knowledge in the field of law than they previously had. Also they will gain knowledge about the cultural heritage of Hungary as well.
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The fresh start of the new semester hallmarks the persistent and succesful work of our educators and organizers which they keep doing from semester to semester since the beginning of the program.
After the formal part of the ceremony, following a long-lasting tradition, the students accompanied by their teachers took a picture together, this time on the flight of stairs inside the building of the Faculty of Law. This picture symbolises the close cooperation between the two countries.