2025. March 13., Thursday


Netzwerk Ost-West Tübingen-Szeged 2017 – Seminar on Comparative Criminal Law in Szeged and Tübingen

The Eberhard-Karls-Universtät Tübingen and the University of Szeged, Faculty of Law and Political Sciences, Institute of Criminal Law and Criminal Science joined the „Netzwerk Ost-West” project and organised a seminar on comparative criminal law from 29th of July 2017 to 13th of August in Szeged and in Tübingen. The Netzwerk Ost-West project’s main goal is to connect law students all over from Western- and Eastern Europe and it is now a 25 years old success story. This year, as a result of the cooperation between Prof. Dr. Krisztina KARSAI and Prof. Dr. Bernd HEINRICH it also reached our university and expanded to Szeged.


In the focus of this year’s seminar, entitled „Straftatbestände gegen die öffentliche Ordnung” („Criminal offences against public order”) stood the comparative analysis of the latest questions of substantive and procedural criminal law. The participants worked together in pairs on pre-selected topics and each pair followed the same outlines in order to be able to gain an insight into each other’s criminal justice systems. Following the separate presentations of the German and Hungarian legal backgrounds, the pairs presented the results of their comparative work together and each topic was closed by a roundtable discussion.


Besides the academic work, the students also had the chance to gain an insight to criminal justice in practice in both countries. They visited the Szeged Prison and the Transit-Zone on the Hungarian-Serbian borders in Röszke. In Tübingen they observed a criminal trial against a juvenile offender and they visited the local police forces.

In addition to all this, there was time for various team-building activities as well, as we believe that good connections and friendship are essential conditions to fruitful law comparison.

The next Netzwerk Ost-West Seminar will take place in September 2018.

Members of our team:


dr. Ibolya ALMÁSI, LL. M.


Mr András LICHTENSTEIN (Die Prozessmaximen)
Mr Márton SCHULTZ (Missbrauch von Titeln, Berufsbezeichnungen und Abzeichnungen)


Ms Eszter BELLA (Grenzen der Meinungsfreiheit)
Ms Ágnes BUZAI (Beleidigung gegen Volksgruppen)
Ms Barbara DÁVID (Die juristische Ausbildung im Wandel der Zeit)
Mr Boldizsár GÖRBE (Die öffentliche Aufforderung zur Begehung von Straftaten)
Ms Jasmine HUSSEIN (Bildung terroristischer Vereinigungen)
Ms Zsuzsanna Éva MONORI (Fußball und Gewalt)
Ms Ágota SZABÓNÉ MARGIT (Das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Gefahrenabwehr und Selbstbelastungsfreiheit)
Ms Rita TARJÁNYI (Das Strafrechtssystem)
Mr Géza TÓTH (Grenzen strafloser Selbstbegünstigung)
Ms Réka ZSITNYÁNSZKY-SZŐKE (Beschimpfung von Bekenntnissen, Religionsgesellschaften und Weltanschauungsvereinigungen)

We are grateful to our German partners, Ms Tamara RAPO and Ms Tamara SCHNEIDER (both university lecturers) for the professional supervision and also to Ms Vivienne MOHR and Ms Michelle SCHARF (both law students) for the organisation.

The project was funded by the Baden-Württemberg Stiftung and supported by the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Faculty of Law, University of Szeged.

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