2024. July 3., Wednesday

Interview with Manon de Thier

(Péter Mezei) Which university are you coming from, and what do you study there?

(Manon de Thier) I'm from Belgium and I'm studying at the Catholic University of Louvain-la-Neuve. I'm studying law there.

(PM) Why did you choose the Szeged Law School for your Erasmus studies?

(Manon) Szeged was not my first choice but I’m very happy to be here. I wanted to study at a University where people speak English and where courses in English are also offered. I don’t know Eastern countries well, this is why I wanted to come and to discover another culture, language etc. I also wanted to be in a city where you can walk. Szeged is perfect university town.

Manon de Thier

(PM) What classes did you take?

(Manon) I chose different courses at the Faculty of Law like Comparative digital copyright law, Introduction to the Hungarian criminal law in comparative perspective, Roman law tradition in European private law, European administration, Protection of human rights in Europe, European prison law, Political sciences and the analysis of security services, and finally International organizations.

(PM) What do you like the most here in Szeged?

(Manon) I like the kindness of the people in Szeged and the warm welcome I received. All people are very attentive and don’t hesitate to help you if you need it. I also love the sun in the Suncity!

(PM) What are you plans for the future? And do you think you can use your Erasmus expertise for that purpose?

(Manon) I would like to work for the European Union. I’m sure that an Erasmus scholarship is a great experience for me to improve my knowledge on European law. And also a rewarding experience of human point of view. I meet a lot of foreign students, I speak with them and we compare our countries. It’s nice because there are a lot of nationalities in Szeged. It's good to broaden my way of thinking. I hope that I can rely on my new friends and the knowledge I gather here in my future life.

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