2024. July 3., Wednesday

Interview with Cansu Güclü.

(Péter Mezei) From which university did you get your Bachelor's degree and what did you study there?


(Cansu Güçlü) I am from Turkey and I completed my undergraduate studies in English Language and Literature at Hacettepe University in Ankara.


(PM) Why did you choose SZTE Faculty of Law and Political Sciences for your Master Studies?


(Cansu) I visited Budapest when I was Erasmus student in 2012. I was impressed by nostalgic beauty of Hungary. While searching for Master programmes in Europe, I found a scholarship and open application for International Relations at the University of Szeged. I wanted to live in a rather small city. And I thought that it would be a great chance to be eligible for the Department and being funded. After one and half year here, I feel more confident and into the field thanks to encouragements of my teachers and larger network I have had.


(PM) What classes have you taken during Master studies?


(Cansu) I have taken many courses on Law and Economics. Particularly I have liked courses related to Law department. Diplomatic Relations, Protection of Human Rights, Freedom, Justice and Security in the European Union, Democracy, Subsidiarity and Multilevel Governance in Europe as well as Transnational Security Threats have really interested me. Besides English taught lectures, I have participated French taught classes within the framework of MA programme in European Studies.

Cansu Güçlü

(PM) What do you like the most here in Szeged?


(Cansu) I like the tranquility and helpfulness of people. Even if I do not know Hungarian much, I easily find my way thanks to warm local people. University staff is always helpful and open minded. But I like the multicultural atmosphere the most in Szeged.


(PM) What are your plans for the future? And do you think you can use your Master expertise for that purpose?


(Cansu) I would like to volunteer for a project focused on assisting refugees and continue my studies afterwhile. Migrant children is my field of interest; therefore I aim to continue with PhD in Migration studies. I believe that my Master expertise in Hungary will help me to grab better job opportunities at international organizations of which I have been dreaming for a long time. My education here and the people around me have helped me to take myself many steps further in personal and professional development. I am glad to have improved academic, linguistic and organizational skills at the University of Szeged!

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