2024. July 3., Wednesday

Contemporary Issues of Public Administration with a Polish Guest for the Second Time in 2017!

Regular professional gatherings are important in academic field thus the Department of Public Administrative Law was delighted to organise such event for the second time this year. After the spring conference, it was a pleasure to welcome a Polish guest again, Dr. Maria Karcz -Kaczmarek from the University of Lodz, Faculty of Law and Administration, Department of Administrative Law and Administration Science. Dr. Karcz-Kaczmarek arrived within the frames of Erasmus teaching mobility. During her stay, she took part in our educational and academic activity but despite the unfriendly weather we also found some time to get her to know Szeged and the Hungarian cuisine.


On Wednesday, 20th September, we had the chance to share some academic interest while we held a small conference including a panel for Recent challenges of administrative structure in Europe. Our Guest spoke about the ‘Structure of Territorial Administration in Poland. New Trends and Prospects of Development’ then Erzsébet Csatlós (Senior lecturer, Department of Administrative Law) expanded the territorial scope to the European administrative area with her lecture on ‘Vertical Cooperation of Authorities and Consular Protection Procedure in Third States’. The second panel focused on the Contracts and public administrative law in Hungary where Szabolcs Hajdu (PhD student, Department of Public Administrative Law) ‘The Administrative Contract in the Hungarian Law’ introduced us to the nature of ‘The Administrative Contract in the Hungarian Law’, Nóra Sádt (PhD student, Institute of Civil Law Sciences) held a lecture on ‘PPP Contracts in Hungary’ and Judit Siket (Assistant lecturer, Department of Public Administrative Law) shared some interesting details on the ‘Legal Aspects of Local Public Services: Procedures Leading to the Conclusion of Public Service Contracts’. The event was supported by the Program No. NTP-HHTDK-17-007 of the Human Resource Support Manager and hereby, I wish to thank the patronage of our Dean, Prof. Dr. Elemér Balogh and the help of Mónika Barna and Csilla Aradszky.

The following day, Dr. Karcz-Kaczmarek gave a course for students where she explained how Polish administrative organisation looks like and called the attention to its recent changes.

Following the path which was settled in April, a conference volume will be published with the written version of the lectures. Hoping for a vivid and fruitful academic relationship with our Polish colleagues, we will return the visit in November and participate at their administrative law conference.


Dr. Erzsébet Csatlós

senior lecturer

Department of Public Administrative Law

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