2024. July 3., Wednesday


The Students’ Union of the University organizes a conference for the fifth time in Szeged.

The Szeged Model United Nations, named SzeMUN is a students’ conference, which was firstly held in Szeged from 7th – 9th April 2010, at the Faculty of Law and in József Attila Study and Information Centre. After a three-year break, SzeMUN will be held again this year by the Students’ Union’s Foreign Affairs Committee of the University of Szeged and by the Faculty of Law Students’ Union of the University of Szeged from September 28th - October 2nd 2016.

Practically SzeMUN simulates the work of the United Nations as during the conference students represent a country, and just like in the UN, they mediate their country’s viewpoint, interest, and they discuss current issues, argue for or against an evolved situation.


Bearing in mind of the represented county’s interest, students need to speak up or argue, and if is necessary, confront; but mainly they have to co-operate with one another in order to solve the problems of the world. The aim of the event is that future politicians and diplomats could gain some practical and theoretical experience as well. As participants from different countries are all welcomed, the UN’s multicultural intellectuality will be present not only in the committees, but also at the whole event.

As far as the plans are concerned, the conference will consist of six committees. The Security Council deals with the North-Korean atomic bomb project, and as might be expected, the subject of the International Olympic Committee is the Olympic Games, 2024, which Hungary is also competing for. The participants of the committees need to discuss issues like which country from the appliers should host the Olympic Games, and besides this, how they could make the event more cost-efficient. In the European Council, the students face with migration crisis, while the Human Rights Council deals with child labour and the deployment of children in wars. The UN Women handles women’s situation in politics and also deals with prostitution.

For further information, please go to the website of SzeMUN (www.szemun.sztehap.hu, and https://www.facebook.com/szemun2010/). In case of any questions, contact us at szemun2016@gmail.com via e-mail.

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