2024. July 3., Wednesday


On 17 May 2016, the „Gateway” Chinese-Hungarian Student Exchange Program finished another successful semester.

9 Chinese students received their certificates, as the result of their hard work during the semester, at the closing ceremony.

Our Faculty and the Program were represented by Péter Mezei dr. iur. Associate Dean for Strategic Affairs and Norbert Varga dr.iur., Program Director. The closing speech by the students expressed that the guest students enjoyed our program, our town; moreover they return to China with significantly more knowledge in the field of law. Such a feedback represents the hallmark of the persistent and successful work of our educators and organizers during the many years of the program.


Following the formal part of the ceremony, pursuant to the long-lasting tradition, the students accompanied by their teachers took a picture in front of the Faculty building, thereby symbolizing the strong cooperation between the two countries.

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