2024. July 3., Wednesday


Our Faculty heldits Open Day on the 8th of January 2015

Visitors were greeted at the gate by our joyous HÖK (Students’ Local Government) students who gave them directions.


The early-comers had the possibility to be familiarized with issues relating to the most basic sources of the European Union at the stall of the Europe Direct next to the entrance. The braver ones could test their knowledge and received prizes for their good answers.


In anticipation of the great interest, we prepared a special “seat allocation staff” that helped our guests find their places in the main room as soon as possible. Our assumption was confirmed, because the room was full before the start, so extra chairs had to be brought into the room in order to secure enough places for the guests who arrived late.


Prof. József Hajdú Dean of the Faculty opened the event with his speech. He warmly welcomed every high school student interested in the faculty and their accompanied parents. The Dean shortly summarized that our Faculty is always endeavouring to provide the best for its students with respecting traditions, focusing on quality and constantly improving itself, and how the successes of our graduate students fill the department with pride. The Dean encouraged the students interested to gain as much information as they can during the day and wished them good luck for their decisions in relation to the application.


Our next presenter was Vice-Dean Klára Gellén dr. jur., who summarized the most important information about our legal expert training.


Afterwards, Rita Matijevics Head of the Administration Office of the Faculty informed our guest about the legal assistant training.


Senior lecturer Dóra Lajkó, Deputy Head of the Labour administration relations and Social security Trainings Institute delivered a short summary of the training.


Afterwards, the coordination director of the International and Regional Studies Institute, senior lecturer József Majsa, Ildikó Réka Szakács and Krisztina Juhász, who both are responsible for the trainings, shared information about the international relations and political sciences trainings with the high school students.


Our main presentations concluded with a talk from Emese Miksi Hágelmanné ETR referrer who summarized the most important elements of the application process. Csilla Varga, a PhD student spoke about the Tutor Network of our Faculty and how it would help freshmen to adapt to university life.


After, the visitors took part in the trainings own events:


For those, who were interested about Labour and Social security administration, they could obtain further information in a separate room, where our students of this training, Ilona Rabi, Fanni Kovács, Márk Széll, Anikó Tisza, András Papdi and Zoltán Görög led by Dóra Lajkó, introduced a simulation with the title of “Livelihood in livelihood disturbance situations”. Through this the participating high school students got to know, through practical examples, how the professionals in this field, could help their clients in different life situations while performing certain duties.


Afterwards, our guests interested in International relations and Political sciences assembled in a different room, where, first of all, Norbert Mekovity delivered an interesting presentation about, “What do politicians do on the internet?”. This was followed by a UN simulation of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, organized by senior lecturer Anikó Szalai, with the help of Renáta Kálmán (law student), Ágnes Bibok and Imre Varjú (international relations Master students), András Hárs and Tamás Pongó (PhD students).


There is a war in the neighbouring Ukraine. The reasons for it are diverse ranging from minority questions to ones of mineral resources. They modelled the great powers’ opinion, discussed what could the UN do in this certain situation and also tried to draft the backgrounds of the international decisions.


High school students interested in our legal expert training could also go to the Lawsuit simulation room after the main presentation, where, led by Edit Vizkeleti, PhD student and assistant lecturer Imre Varga, our students modelled a court trial and the circumstances and causes, which led to this simulated court trial.


All of the programmes in the three rooms garnered great interest. The high school students who took part did so with great enthusiasm in the modelled situations, moreover, with their valuable comments and questions they contributed to the success of these interactive simulations.


Furthermore, the typing presentation carried out by our Legal assistant students was also a great success. This event was particularly complimented by the exhibition of several certificates, medals and cups won by the Legal assistant students in typing contests.


In our Open Day, there was an information stall as well, where students who were interested and their parents could gain further information about

  • services of our Career Office
  • Erasmus programme,
  • our Tutor Network
  • our Students’ Local Government,
  • application process
  • our trainings

and at the “Freshmen desk” they could gather information from students in their second year of their, freshmen’s fresh experiences.


For those students, who are thinking about taking out a student loan, our Faculty provided an opportunity of “gaining first-hand information” as well. We invited to our event the regional representative of the Student loan Centre, who answered any questions which arose in a room selected only for this purpose.


We truly hope that our guests enjoyed themselves and received the answers to those questions which are important for them and we hope to welcome them in the autumn intake of students.


If anyone has any further questions, he/she could find our colleagues at the University of Szeged Open Day and Parent-Teacher Meeting event on the 7th of February 2015. Look for the colleagues with the “Faculty of Law yellow” lanyards.


We would like to thank to our teachers, co-workers and students who contributed their ideas to the success of the event along with their participation, and enthusiastic work. We would also like thank to our guests who with their inquiring, active attendance became a part of our event.


We wish all applicants good luck for the upcoming challenges (matriculation, language exams). We also hope that they will also one day proudly wait in one of these lines:

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